Who We Are ?

If you are buying an existing home or building a new one, hiring a professional home inspector is just plain smart. You need a home inspector who has the knowledge, education and the experience to meet all your needs.

Certified and Experienced

Highly trained and certified through the best and most rigorous training programs, and bringing three decades of residential building knowledge and experience to your home inspection using the latest in tools and equipment.

Quality Service

We are committed to providing the home buyer with a top quality whole Home Inspection and Radon Sampling services at reasonable rates. We stand behind our reports. We have performed over 1,500 home inspections for satisfied clients right here in the Rochester, MN area.

Allow us to perform your next home inspection.

Buy your home with Confidence

The home buyer is encouraged to attend the inspection ready to learn more about the home, such as the location of important shut off switches and valves, filters, maintenance tips, etc. Please allow at least two and one half hours, a little more if it's a larger home. The home buyer is encouraged to be observant and ask any questions in order to get the most out of your home inspection.

"Quality is our Standard"